Discover brain-friendly learning techniques 🧠

Through the latest developments in neuroscience, you will learn how to design brain-friendly training and lectures that enhance retention and engagement. The course covers various techniques and strategies, including memory formation, attention, and motivation. By the end of the course, you will have the skills to create long lasting memories.

  • Course Duration: 60 mins

  • Course fee: Free

  • Join a community of facilitators

  • Additional resources

  • Personalized Certificate of Completion

What to expect in the course

Course curriculum

  1. 1
    • Lesson 1: What to expect in this course

    • Self reflection: Who was your most inspiring teacher?

    • Lesson 2: My most memorable learning experience

  2. 2
    • Self reflection: Challenges in learning

    • Lesson 1: How we got learning wrong

    • Lesson 2: Our 4 million year old brain

    • Lesson 3: The brain in a learning context

    • Lesson 4: The Hippocampus

  3. 3
    • Guess the attention span

    • Lesson 1: Grabbing and keeping attention

    • Lesson 2: How to structure a learning session

    • Self reflection: When do you get your best ideas or solve problems?

    • Lesson 3: Creativity and problem solving

    • Lesson 4: Strategies to make your content stick

  4. 4
    • Lesson 1: How to get into people’s brains

    • Lesson 2: Useful tactics and methods

    • Self reflection: What methods have been effective for you?

    • Lesson 3: Summary of the B.A.C.E model

    • 12 practical tips - PDF download

  5. 5
    • Course wrap up

    • Thank you for participating!

    • Additional resources & templates

    • Course certificate & feedback

Meet your instructor

Chief People & Culture Officer

Anna Gullstrand

Anna is Chief People & Culture Officer at Mentimeter, responsible for building a resilient company culture. Anna has 15+ years of experience as an executive, running digital agencies and being a strategic consultant for digital and cultural transformation. In 2022 she won the prestigious SaaS Leader of The Year award in Sweden. Anna has a background in change management, facilitation, group development and leadership development. She is also the author of the award-winning book "Facilitate!"

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